Olympic Achievements
Olympic 2000 -
Karnam Malleswari - Now the iron girl of Andhra Pradesh, and the golden girl of India, reminds us that Indians can do it. Sure, one bronze is to little for one billion people. Yet, the importance sinks in when we realise that no Indian woman has ever done it and only two men, wrestler Khashaba D. Jadhav and tennis star Leander Peas, have brought home individual Olympic medals before her. To be the first Indian woman to win an Olympic medal is really great. Hope her achievement will enthuse a new generation.
Malleshwari competed in the 69 kg class. In snatch, she lifted 105 kg in the first attempt, 107.5 kg in the second, and 110 kg in the last.Malleswari's tally was 240 kg -110 kg in snatch plus 130 kg in clean-and-jerk. Weining Lin of China and Erzsebet Markus of Hungary both, who set a world record in snatch with a lift of 112.5 kg, had to settle for silver because her body weight was 1 kg more than that Lin.
During training, Malleshwari had been consistently lifting more than 240 kg but she couldn't do it in Sydney. Hence the bronze. Still what an achievement ! |
Olympic 1996 - Leander Peas, bronze medal for tennis.
Khashaba D. Jhadhav, for wrestling He won the first individual Olympic Medal for Independent India in 1952 at Helsinki , He got the bronze in 52 Kg. free style Wrestling.
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