- Abhimanyu
A son of Arjuna & Subhadra renowned for his strength and valour. He was married to Uttara the daughter of Virata. He fought with distinguished valour on the first day of the great war; Cutting down the ensign in Bhishma's chariot. On the thirteenth day of the war he was commanded by Yudhishthira to charge the Kauravas who were drawn up in the form of a spider's web; he drove his chariot into the enemys ranks and performed prodigies of valour, but was finally overpowered by six warriors and slain. His posterity through the line of his son Parikshit, were the royal race of the lunar line of Hastinapura.
- Adhiratha
A son of Satyakarman, one of the kings of Anga. He found Karna in a basket on the ganges where he had been exposed by his mother Pritha.
- Ahilya
The legendary wife of Sage Gautama. She was cursed by her Husband the great sage Gautama for yielding to the desires of Indra in the form of Gautama. She was then purified later by the touch of Rama.
- Balarama
An incarnation of a white hair of Brahma. He was the half brother of Krishna. He was the king of Yadavas and patron of agriculture.
- Bhima
The second son of the five sons of Pandu, but mystically begotten by Vayu the God of air or wind, through his mother Kunti. He is the principal general of the Pandava army. He is renowned for his strength and swiftness.
- Bhishma
Originally named Shantanavu the son of Santanu the king of Hastinapur. He became Bhishma when he vowed for his father that he will not accept the kingdom, nor marry, nor become a father to any children from any woman on the earth. The legend says that his father was in love with a young and beautiful damsel, whose parents were not agreeing to the match as her children would not be the rulers because Shantanavu was the heir to the kingdom.
- Chanakya
A brahaman of the city of Takshashila who lived about 330 B.C. He is said to have achieved the knowledge of three Vedas ; and a great writer as well. He was the one who removed the Nanda dynasty from the throne as they were unworthy and uncaring towards their kingdom. He then gave the kingdom to Chandragupta Maurya. He wrote the famous Kutilya Arthashastra.
- Chandragupta
He was an ancient Indian King who ruled for around 24 years. around B.C.526 He was a Disciple of Chanakya. The great Mauryan dynasty came into rule.
- Draupadi
The daughter of Raja Drupada of Panchala. She was won by Arjuna in a swayamvara but was married to all the five Pandavas.
- Hanuman
The son of wind, he is also a representation of the Vayu the God of Wind. He was the chief General of the monkey king Sugriva and assisted Rama against Ravana.
- Karna
The son of Kunti by the Sun God. She had a charm by the Durvasa Rishi by virtue of which she could call any God and bear his child. Karna was her first child. but it was born of the wedlock so she had to abandon him and he was taken care of by Adhiratha.
- Krishna
The Indian Hercules and Apollo combined. The most renowned demigod of Indian mythology and most celebrated hero of the Indian History, is the eighth Avatara or incarnation of Vishnu. Krishna is the orator of Bhagwadgita. He told the Geeta to Arjuna on Kurukshetra in Mahabharata.
- Lakshmana
One of the sons of Dashratha and brother of Rama to whom he was faithfully attached throughout all his problems
- Radha
Krishna's favorite disciple. The Love tale of Radha Krishna is famous.
- Rama
This name belongs to the epic period. He is also called as the Dashrathi Rama or Ramachandra. He is the seventh incarnation of Vishnu. He was born in the Treta Yuga to kill the demons.
- Ravana
A celebrated Rakshaha, the son of Visravas. He was the king of Ceylon, and his great power and influence have represented in Hindu poetry by the ascription to him of ten heads and twenty arms. His character is described as libidinuous and cruel. His great exploit was the abduction of Sita, the wife of Rama, in whose absence she was carried through the air by Ravana to Ceylon. He was ultimately, after a hard struggle, killed by Rama, who invaded the island in order to rescue Sita.
- Sita
The daughter of Janaka, king of Mithila, (Siradhwaja) She is called earth-born, as having been turned up from the soil by a plough, as Janaka was ploughing a spot to prepare for a sacrifice. She was promised in marriage to the Raja who could bend the great bow of Siva; many distinguished Rajas attempted the feat, but could not succeed; when Rama saw the bow he lifted it with one hand from the ground playfully, while a great multitude looked on in amazement. Then Rama bent the bow till it broke in the midst, and the noise was like the crash of a falling mountain. After this Sita was married to Rama.
- Valmiki
A sage and bard, famous as the author of the Ramayana; he lived at Chitra Kuta, a celebrated hill in Bundelkhand, to the south of the river Jumna. He was surrounded by a band It was in this hill, that Rama, with his wife and brother, took up their abode, when exiled from Ayodhya. According to Ramayana they spent some pleasant years there.
- Vikramaditya
A celebrated Hindu king of Malwa, whose reign began fifty-six years before the Christian era. The ancient city of Ujein was his capital. Vikramaditya had no estate assigned him by his father, and lived for a considerable time with his illegitimate brother Bhurtri at Ujein, of which Bhurti was governor. He is described as the greatest monarch of his age, of which there is the most satisfactory proof in the fact that his era is still current throughout Hindustan. He encouraged literature beyond all former example.
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