Major Jaivir Singh

Major Jaivir Singh of the Sikh regiment was deployed in chhamb on the western front during the Indo-Pak war. His company defended the crucial Phagia Ridge position. From the 3rd of December, the enemy began first of its offensives, to dislodge the Indian forces there. The first attack was successfully repulsed, but the Pakistani troops returned with a stronger force the next day. They broke through Indian defence and soon a bitter hand to hand fight ensued. The brave Major exhorted his men to remain steadfast. The Pakistanis were held back for the second time with a loss of twelve lives.

The fighting was at its fiercest on December 5th . The Sikh regiment suffered heavy casualties, but led by a determined Major Singh, they not only repulsed the advance but recaptured the post on the Ridge lost earlier, Major Singh's inspiring leadership and shrewd planning had outwitted the enemy.

Major Jaivir singh was awarded the Mahavir Chakra for his exemplary leadership.