The Battle of Tithwal
Lance Naik Karam Singh

Lance Naik Karam Singh was in command of a forward post in the Tithwal sector during the Jammu & Kashmir operations in 1948.

The enemy attacked the outpost again and again, eight times in all but despite being heavily outnumbered Karam Singh and his men beat back every attack.

Though wounded Karam Singh crawled from place to place encouraging his men to fight on. He refused to be evacuated even when wounded a second time. At one stage whe it looked as if the enemy would break through, he drove him back with hand grenades.

During one attack two enemy soldiers almost reached the trenches. If Karam Singh had fired he might have hit his own men so he leaped out of the trench and bayoneted the two men. Awed by his fury the other enemy soldiers turned and fled abandoning all the ideas of capturing the post.

Lance Naik Karam Singh was awarded the Param Vir Chakra for his heroic defence of his post.